Invicta Flies - Mosquito
This classic pattern can imitate the natural or be used in larger sizes as an all around imitation. Reinforce the moose mane fibers with a touch of cement.
Hook: Mustad 94840, #20-16
Thread: 8/0 black
Tail: grizzly hackle fibers
Body: moose mane, dark strands
Ribbing: moose mane, white strand
Wing: grizzly hen hackle tip
Hackle: grizzly
Notes: It is often helpful to soak the fibers a few minutes to prevent them from breaking when tying in. To create the body, trim a white fiber from the moose mane, trim about half an inch from the tip, and tie in at the bend, lashing the fiber to the top of the shank the entire length of the body. Leave excess extending beyond bend, to be wound as a ribbing later. Trim three dark fibers of moose mane, trim the tips to even. Tie in at the bend and wind forward together, tie off, clip excess. Now counterwrap the white fiber, creating even segments of light/dark, tie off and cip the excess. Coat with a little cement for durability.